Best Behaviour

BONUS Culture Commute - Interchange Escapes

Gabe Harris - Interchange Season 2 Episode 16
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00:00 | 21:47

Today on a BONUS Culture Commute episode, one of our newest Interchangers, Jess, has her debut on the mic, joined by Chris for a conversation about Interchange's newest initiative - Interchange Escapes.

For more details on Interchange Escapes, click here. Or if you’re interested in an Escape day of your own, get in touch here.

Please note: 'Interchange Escapes' is currently a Melbourne-only initiative, however we work all across Australia and Internationally, so if you'd like to explore this opportunity in your area please get in touch.

Send us a message.

Best Behaviour podcast is recorded on Wurundjeri land, Interchange acknowledges that this always was, and always will be Aboriginal land.

For more information about Interchange and the work that we do, check out our website, or connect with us on LinkedIn, or instagram.