Best Behaviour
This is Best Behaviour, the podcast that navigates workplace culture, one story at a time. We’re diving into the culture stories of some of Australia’s largest and most successful companies on the hunt for insights you can implement in your organisation. We’re promising practical tips, a rollercoaster of topics, and above-average shits and giggles.
Best Behaviour is produced by Interchange, a management consultancy creatively transforming organsiations. Find out more about Interchange here: https://www.interchange.com.au
Best Behaviour
Lendlease: Leading Safety from the Front with Chris Doyle
'Brave people telling honest stories' - this is what Chris Doyle puts Lendlease's astounding safety leadership down to. Chris is Lendlease's Group Head of EHS and Operational Assurance and an Abassador for NSW Mentally Healthy Workplaces. Interchange's Chris Gabardi and Felix Johnson had the pleasure of unpacking the property giant's safety story over the last couple of decades with Chris, before looking to the future with new Psychosocial legislation rolling out nation-wide.
Grab your ticket to our Psychosocial Safety event here.
Best Behaviour podcast is recorded on Wurundjeri land, Interchange acknowledges that this always was, and always will be Aboriginal land.
For more information about Interchange and the work that we do, check out our website, or connect with us on LinkedIn, or instagram.